Central Bedfordshire Council manages our admissions arrangements. If you would like to enquire about sending your child to our school (as an in-year admission) or appeal arrangements, please contact them in the first instance to find out more about what is required.
If you want to find out more about the school before applying for a place, then please contact us directly to arrange a tour of the school.
Admissions Helpline: 0300 300 8037
Further details of our admission arrangements can be found on Central Bedfordshire's Website below.
Central Bedfordshire Council Links to school admissions page.
Starting School in September 2024
Thank you for getting in touch and considering The Mary Bassett Lower School as the start of your child’s school journey. We believe it is most important for parents and carers to make a sound decision about a school place for their child and this requires preparation towards identifying your preferred school(s).
We are incredibly proud of the work governors and staff have done to make our school an authentic representation of our vision. We value the opportunity to support young children to embark on an exciting journey of learning that will positively impact their educational journey, including most importantly their sense of identity and long-term fulfilment.
BOOKING A MEETING / SITE TOUR / TELEPHONE CHAT: A site tour will provide you with some understanding of how we make use of our special environments for learning and play. Having the opportunity to meet with us or talk on the telephone will also provide you with an opportunity to ask any specific questions you have.
In Year Transfer from Another School
The admissions process for In Year transfers is managed by Central Bedfordshire Council's Schools Admission Team, please click the link for information about their in year transfer process
If you wish to transfer your child to The Mary Bassett Lower School from another school we will be happy to talk with you and arrange a visit to the school.