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The Mary Bassett Way

At The Mary Bassett we aim to follow 'The Mary Bassett Way'.

Every week all children are explicitly taught how to follow The Mary Bassett Way by learning and applying each of the skills below. 

One of our Governing Body values is to  Support our children to succeed as happy, confident and responsible members of the community. We believe by teaching our children these very important skills as part of their curriculum offer we can achieve this.

From Nursery to Year 4 our children are taught The Mary Bassett Way.

We follow the Skills Builder progression of skills for each of these themes. Parents and carers can log into the Skills Builder Programme (this is free) by following the link below.

Parents & Carers (

Each week certificates will be awarded to children to show they have used one of the skills. This will be presented in our weekly achievement assembly every Friday.

Parents and carers are encouraged to contact the School Office if they feel their child has accomplished something at home that follows The Mary Bassett Way. We are always very happy to celebrate out of school achievements during our assemblies.