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Vision and Values

Our Vision

At The Mary Bassett Lower School, our ambition is for every child to reach their full potential. We nurture our children to achieve positive emotional, mental and physical wellbeing in themselves and others.   


Each year the Governing Body uses feedback from our community to identify our longer term priorities:

Governing Body Strategic Priorities 2023-2026

Our strategic priorities have been formed following consultation with staff, parents, carers and governors.

We will achieve our vision by

  • Supporting our children to succeed as happy, confident and responsible members of the community
  • Setting high expectations for and helping our children to achieve successful educational outcomes across the curriculum
  • Providing proactive support for all our families to be informed and confident participants in the education of their children
  • Establishing a strong foundation for lifelong learning in a safe, stimulating and inclusive environment

Human Values in our Diverse British Society

At The Mary Bassett Lower School, we have embraced the Values that the British Government wish every child to experience and understand.

The British Government believe that we, "all have a duty to actively promote the fundamental British Values of Democracy, the Rule of Law, individual Liberty and Mutual Respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs."

We believe these British Values are really Human Values and will teach them across our curriculum and as part of 'The Mary Bassett Way'. We will teach compassion, kindness, curiosity and open-mindedness so that we will trigger positive emotions and well-being for all.

We keep a comprehensive overview of SMSC (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural education) across our curriculum and are committed to ensuring that we maximise the opportunity for all pupils to be prepared for modern life in our world.